Papers, Por favor

One special evening of mine I continuously played, non-stop, Garry's mod online with a bunch of idiots I called friends. It was all going swell until something horrid, shocking and heart-stopping happened... my Wi-Fi disconnected (Dun dun DUUUUUN). I sat there, racing through every game, browser and app I had to find something. Nothing.
I sat there staring at the desktop screen thinking that with no Wi-Fi, I better just kill myself, until then I saw something in the corner of my eye and my desktop and my room... and my attention span and saw that one game "Papers, please". I haven't played it in months and in dire times, where you can't game with friends, watch youtube, or masturbate to porn, you have to do something.
I watch the game load in, waiting for the menu to pop up. But I noticed that the music was very different, instead of "dun dun dun dun dun dundudun...(best interpretation ever)", it was the U.S. National Anthem and instead of the title screen saying "Papers, please", it said "Papers, Por Favor". But I thought much of it because I was bored and pissed since I couldn't choke my chicken tonight. As I went through all the bullshit, I read something peculiar in the pixelated newspaper, "Donald Trump elected president of United States! wall and checkpoint built on the U.S.-Mexican border!". My nightmares have been fully realized and brought to life. Extra text read "Congratulations slave, you have been 'chosen' to man the checkpoint of Trump's wall. Good luck with minimum wage pay jackass."

Day 1

It started off strange and weird, my instructions said only Americans were allowed into the country, but everyone that entered the checkpoint was Mexican, everyone denied. Then a Latino -American walked up to the checkpoint, he was a U.S. citizen so I let him through. then I got a small citation for letting a Mexican through, it sad "I don't want no one that looks Mexican through my borders ~D. Trump p.s. I'm not racist, I'm the least racist person I know." I was appalled.

Day 2

Before anything happened, a limo came crashing through the wires running over the guards and crashing into the wall. Coming from the rubble was the absolute ruler, the messiah, Satan himself Donald Trump. he walked to the checkpoint , stared not at my character but at me and in a clear prominent voice stated, "YOU'RE FIRED!". My game crashed, then my computer crashed, then my car crashed parked in the driveway. Then suddenly My computer caught on fire.
I will never forget that day (which was like 10 minutes ago), I got a new laptop (I stole it from my neighbors), which has allowed me to share this experience with you. Oh, and by the way, YOU'RE FIRED!
~The end